
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Inflicted Wounds Are Not Forgotten in Camaguey

50 years passed but still the U.S. government goes on giving a green light, encouraging and committing the common acts of terror that have injured the very center of the Cuban people’s soul.    

This dreadful plague has left deepest marks in the families living in Camagüey province. It is still fixed in the memory events such as that occurred on January 5th, 1963, when more than 7 metric tons of rice, a sugar cane field, a school, fertilizer storage and several houses were burned and completely destroyed in Santa Cruz del Sur.

In 1967, a human being was arrested on charges of placing ground glass in the foodstuff of children that focused several schools in the coastal city of Nuevitas, showing no mercy for such little human beings.

In the same year a counterrevolutionary crowd which was trying to penetrate the country and had dedicated terrorist actions to threaten the civilians was finally caught.  

But the example appears not to be sufficient as the mercenaries showed their teeth again in the 90’s. Members of the “Cuba Independent y Democratic” organization were arrested in Camagüey while they were distributing rebellious misinformation, besides they were also damaging the high-voltage power lines in the municipality of Santa Cruz del Sur, 82 km south of the city of Camagüey.

To impede actions of this sort, five exceptional men named Antonio Guerrero, Ramón Labañino, Fernando González, René González and Gerardo Hernández, put aside their individual plans and went to the safe place of the anti-Cuban mafia in Miami to warn their homeland about the terrible plots like those previously mentioned.

Pain is not totally repaired in the families of those who passed away in the bombing of a Cubana aircraft off the coast of Barbados, a physical attack masterminded by confess terrorists Orlando Bosh and Luis Posada Carriles, in which Camagüey province lost two of its daughters Inés Luaces and Milagros Pélaez.

The parents of those children who died in 1980 after being infected by Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), it has been carried into Cuba by lackeys of imperialism, can also talk about what certainly terrorism means for them.    

It is precisely for the reason that those who live in Camagüey have gone through the sour knowledge of having been struck by state sponsor terrorism, today we can stand on our own feet and demand justice.


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